Take the Pledge to Combat Social Isolation Among Older Adults
April 1, 2020Today, the California Department of Aging and the California Health and Human Services Agency announced the Stay Home, Save Lives, Check In Campaign. They’re encouraging people, like us, to take a few minutes out of each day to check-in with our older neighbors. Let’s make sure they feel connected and that they have the food, medicine, and other supplies they need while they stay at home to keep safe from COVID-19.
“It’s on all of us across the state to check in on the older adults in our lives – our friends, families and neighbors – to help them during this outbreak. Each and every one of us must reach out in a safe way to make sure that our older neighbors have someone to talk to and have enough food to eat during these difficult times.” – Governor Newsom, March 31st press conference
Take the Pledge!
We encourage you to visit Engageca.org/check-in and take the pledge to stay home, save lives, and check in.
For more information about COVID-19, including where to find assistance and resources, please visit the following webpages or call the following information lines:
Connection To Local Services
Call 211 or click www.211ca.org
California State Aging & Adults Information Line
Call 1-800-510-2020 or click www.aging.ca.gov