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Master Plan for Aging Stakeholder Advisory Committee and Philanthropic Partners Support Governor’s 2021-22 May Revise

May 21, 2021

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May 21, 2021

The Honorable Gavin Newsom, Governor
State of California
Sacramento, CA 95814

RE: May Revision: Investments in the Master Plan for Aging

Dear Governor Newsom,

We, the undersigned individuals who served on the Master Plan for Aging’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee, as well as supporting philanthropic partners, would like to express our gratitude for your leadership in launching a comprehensive Master Plan for Aging and the associated investments reflected in the May Revision to the proposed 2021-22 budget. In total, one-time proposals equaling $2.1 billion and ongoing commitments of $1.7 billion (total funds) were outlined as part of California’s comeback plan, a plan that reimagines the Golden State as an age-and disability-friendly state. We believe these investments reflect your deep commitment to California’s growing and diverse population of older adults and people with disabilities.

As leaders in the aging and disability space, we know that the depth and breadth of this investment is unprecedented. For far too long, the needs of this population have been largely ignored. But with this budget, you chart a new course guided by the Master Plan for Aging. In short, we have much to be proud of, but we know we still have much work to do. The May Revision of the 2021-22 budget and its significant investments serve as a down payment toward a future where aging in California is supported and valued–where people of all races and economic means know they can age in dignity in the Golden State.

Our efforts will only be successful with strong leadership and a long-term commitment to the Master Plan for Aging, continued engagement from the Legislature, Administration, and the public, as well as meaningful investment in the programs and services on which older adults, people with disabilities and family caregivers rely.
We stand ready to partner with you, your administration, the Legislature and stakeholders, bringing knowledge, networks, and philanthropic resources to help realize our shared vision for California outlined in the Master Plan for Aging.


Members of the California Master Plan for Aging Stakeholder Advisory Committee and Philanthropic Partners

A full list of signatories and copy of letter can be found here.